Monitoring Tool Business Ideas

IdeaPicker generated 57 business ideas about Monitoring Tool by scanning Reddit for pain points of real people.

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57 ideas found.

A monitoring tool that tracks Amazon seller rating scores and provides insights on potential reasons for the drop, such as changes in customer feedback or algorithm updates
AmazonsellerE-CommerceData AnalyticsAmazon ApiMonitoring Tools
Potential Monthly Revenue:$7500
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A smart device monitoring tool that alerts users when a device is unplugged or disconnected from power source, helping them save time and avoid unnecessary troubleshooting
TalesfromtechsupportSmart HomeMonitoring ToolsIot Devices
Potential Monthly Revenue:$5000
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A platform that analyzes server performance data and provides personalized recommendations on whether to upgrade server hardware based on individual needs and usage patterns
SelfhostedTechData AnalysisServer Monitoring Tools
Potential Monthly Revenue:$10000
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A subscription-based identity theft protection service that monitors individuals' personal information and alerts them of any suspicious activities or potential identity theft risks
FrugalCybersecurityIdentity ProtectionMonitoring Tools
Potential Monthly Revenue:$50000
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A startup that develops a lightweight and optimized version of the Slack Microsoft app to reduce CPU usage and lower temperatures for users.
SlackProductivityOptimizationSoftware DevelopmentCpu Monitoring Tools
Potential Monthly Revenue:$50000
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A platform that monitors email deliverability for users and provides insights and recommendations on improving it. Additionally, offering customer service support for email marketing related issues.
EmailmarketingEmail MarketingCustomer ServiceMonitoring ToolsData Analytics
Potential Monthly Revenue:$25000
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A platform that verifies and curates off-market real estate deals shared on social media platforms like LinkedIn, providing a trusted marketplace for buyers and sellers in the commercial real estate sector.
CommercialrealestateReal EstateVerification SoftwareSocial Media Monitoring Tools
Potential Monthly Revenue:$15000
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57 ideas found.

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